IMPORTANT This is a provisional timetable, with my best guesses as to what will be useful. Days and times could change, and I may add or cancel courses according to levels of interest. When you sign up for a course, you will receive an automatic confirmation email, and then I will send you updates if anything changes. If you have any questions or restrictions on days/times that I should know about, please use the new Your Message section of the sign-up form.

C1Face-to-FaceMondays & Wednesdays17:10-18:3022 x 80 minutes€240
C1-OnlineOnlineMondays & Wednesdays18:40-20:0022 x 80 minutes€240
Intermediate-OnlineOnlineTuesdays18:40-20:0011 x 80 minutes€130
BlorkoFace-to-FaceThursdays16:20-17:0011 x 40 minutes€100
Advanced ConversationFace-to-FaceThursdays17:10-18:3011 x 80 minutes€130
C1XFace-to-FaceThursdays18:40-20:009 x 80 minutes€130

Dni a časy sa môžu zmeniť, a je to možné, že pridáme alebo zrušíme kurzy, podľa záujmu. ‚tbc‘ = ‚to be confirmed‘ (ešte potvrdíme).