If you would like to register for an exam, please complete the following form, click Odoslať and then wait a few seconds. If all is well, you should be redirected to our thank you page and receive an email confirming your details. Then you just need to pay before the deadline 🙂 If you have any questions, or do not receive the confirmation email, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Terms and Conditions
In order for the School of Blore to register you for a Cambridge English Exam, you must (i) complete the form above (ii) accept these Terms and Conditions by ticking the box at the end of the form and (iii) pay the relevant exam fee by making a transfer to our account (SK3111000000002629771311) before the end of the registration period. No registration will be made until these conditions are fulfilled. Fees, exam dates and deadlines can be found here.
Special needs
If you have any special needs (e.g. hearing difficulties), it is possible to make arrangements for extra time, large print, or Braille. You must send your special needs requests at least 3 months before your exam date accompanied by medical evidence. For special needs, no late entries are accepted.
Location, date and time
Two to three weeks before your exam date, you will receive a Confirmation of Entry and Timetable, detailing the date and location of your exams and your candidate number. It is your responsibility to contact us if you have not received this information at least 7 days before the exam date. You must arrive at the venue at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam: candidates who arrive late may not be admitted to the exam room.
Transfers and Refunds
Your Exam Registration is valid for one Cambridge English Exam session only. Transfers between Cambridge English Exams sessions and/or exam types and/or other individuals are not allowed.
You may apply for a 50% refund if you are unable to attend your entire Cambridge English Exam session for one of the following reasons: (i) severe illness/injury; (ii) loss or death of a close family member; (iii) trauma (e.g. being the victim of a crime/traffic accident); (iv) military service. You must submit a completed Request for Refund form (and, in case (i), a medical certificate) to the School of Blore no later than seven working days after the written part of the exam. The refund will be processed within 10 working days of receipt of all necessary documents.
You may cancel the registration without reason by submitting a Request for Refund form to the School of Blore no later than the last day of the relevant registration period. You will receive a refund in the amount of the regular fee for the exam, less a 25% administration fee.
The School of Blore cannot accept any responsibility for service interruptions caused by factors which are outside of our control. In these cases the School of Blore will do everything possible to offer you a Cambridge English Exam session at a later date. The School of Blore may offer a refund in these circumstances at its sole discretion.
The School of Blore also reserves the right to cancel any Cambridge English Exam if a minimum required number of candidates is not reached by the end of the relevant registration period. In this case, you will receive a full refund of fees paid.
Exam day photography
By making your Exam Registration, you give your consent to be photographed on your exam date, if required by the current Cambridge English Exam regulations. In this case, photographs and Cambridge English Exam results will be held on a protected web site called Online Results Verification, where institutions you have authorised will be able to verify your identity and/or results.
If you are a candidate aged 18+, you hereby consent to have your photo taken by the centre on the day of the Speaking Exam and/or the written papers.
If you are a candidate aged under 18, by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, your parent or legal guardian consents to your photo being taken on the day of the examination.
General Regulations
Candidates must provide official and original photo identification documents (Identity Card, Passport or Driving licence) in each part of the test. No admittance to the test room is permitted without ID.
Any candidate using a dictionary, correction fluid, audio recording equipment, a mobile phone, or any other electronic device, or breaking the regulations in any other way, will be disqualified.
Copyright of all Cambridge English Exam materials (including the exam papers) belongs to University of Cambridge. The University of Cambridge does not allow you, exam centres or institutions to review (or request the return of) your answer sheets or any other material used in the Cambridge English Exam once submitted.
A document issued by the Cambridge English Language Assessment called “Regulations” contains a comprehensive list of examinations regulations. This document will be sent to you together with your Confirmation of Entry and Timetable.